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< meta property = "og:description" content = "About me Hi , I ’ m Emin !
I am a second year Computer Engineering student at Izmir University of Economics. I like all things programming and computers.
I mostly do systems programming - I feel most at home when I use C+ + or C, though I’ ve used Rust, Java and many other languages to varying degrees. I also had a phase when I was really into Common Lisp. Seriously, using a language with true macros is an entirely different experience.">
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< meta name = "twitter:description" content = "About me Hi , I ’ m Emin !
I am a second year Computer Engineering student at Izmir University of Economics. I like all things programming and computers.
I mostly do systems programming - I feel most at home when I use C+ + or C, though I’ ve used Rust, Java and many other languages to varying degrees. I also had a phase when I was really into Common Lisp. Seriously, using a language with true macros is an entirely different experience.">
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< h1 class = "text-center text-4xl font-extrabold text-slate-700 dark:text-slate-200" >
Emin Arslan
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< article >
< h1 class = "mb-4 text-4xl font-extrabold text-slate-700 dark:text-slate-200" > Biography< / h1 >
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< h1 id = "about-me" > About me< / h1 >
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< p > Hi, I’ m Emin!< / p >
< p > I am a second year Computer Engineering student at Izmir University of
Economics. I like all things programming and computers.< / p >
< p > I mostly do systems programming - I feel most at home when I use C++ or
C, though I’ ve used Rust, Java and many other languages to varying
degrees. I also had a phase when I was < em > really< / em > into Common Lisp.
Seriously, using a language with true macros is an entirely different
experience.< / p >
< p > This website exists to be my blog/toy. It’ s hosted on a VPS, so that I
can practice my hosting/web skills. I use < a href = "https://gohugo.io/" > Hugo< / a >
with the < a href = "https://themes.gohugo.io/themes/qubt/" > Qubt< / a > theme to
generate pages from my content. I think it looks pretty good, check
them out.< / p >
< p > Hopefully I’ ll post a bit more on here soon.< / p >
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Published with < a class = "hover:underline hover:decoration-indigo-500 hover:text-indigo-500" href = "https://gohugo.io" target = "_blank" rel = "noopener noreferrer" > Hugo< / a > & < a class = "hover:underline hover:decoration-indigo-500 hover:text-indigo-500" href = "https://github.com/chrede88/qubt" target = "_blank" rel = "noopener noreferrer" > Qubt< / a >
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